- 车轴钢 Axle Steel
- 易切削钢 Automatic Steel
- 奥氏体钢 Austenitic Steel
- 奥氏体不锈钢 Austenitic Stainless Steel
- 奥氏体锰钢; 哈德菲尔德锰钢 Austenitic Manganese Steel
- 奥氏体耐热钢 Austenitic Heat-resistance Steel
- 奥氏体复合钢 Austenitic Clad Steel
- 奥氏体铬-镍钢 Austenitic Chromium-nickel Steel
- 奥氏体合金钢 Austenitic Alloy Steel
- 奥氏体镍铬不锈钢 Austenilic Ni-cr Stainless Steel
- 阿姆柯软钢 Armco Steel
- 表面浸镀铝钢 Armco Stabilized Steel
- 阿姆柯渗铝钢 Armco Aluminized Steel
- 型钢截面积 Area of Structural Steel
- 钢筋断面面积; 钢筋截面面积 Area of Steel